Sickle Cell Disease
Reni-cel led to hemoglobin normalization and increased fetal hemoglobin in patients with sickle cell disease.
An expert panel's review finds SCT has often been misattributed as the direct cause of mortality in patients who have SCT.
Preliminary efficacy and safety findings from a multicenter, open-label, phase Ib/II prospective study have been encouraging.
In a study SCT appeared linked to an increased risk of pregnancy-associated VTE, pulmonary embolism, and isolated DVT.
Patients receiving mitapivat showed a statistically significant hemoglobin response rate compared with placebo.
A review article describes current clinical knowledge of the role of inflammation and the activity of immune cells in SCD.
A study's efficacy and safety findings show promise for lovo-cel as a one-time intervention for SCD with history of stroke.
A cohort lifetime study from Hamda Khan, MA, and Jason Hodges, PhD, MA, follows patients from pediatric into adult SCD care.
Dr. Theodore Wun and Dr. Olubusola Oluwole investigated the causes of rising stroke rates among pediatric and adult patients.
A study has assessed cryogenically preserved ovarian tissue samples from women with SCD for any effects from hydroxyurea.
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